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Teleport to your PC or Mac using your iPhone

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If you are aware of Mocha VNC, then this new application called Teleport is similar to that. The application called Teleport is actually a VNC or Virtual Networking Computing client that can be used for Apple Inc.’s iPhone. As the name says, the application allows you to virtually teleport so that you can see and even control the PC and Macs on your network.iphone

Once you launch the Teleport, the application will then scan your network. Afterwards, it will find the computers where you have enabled file-sharing. If you have two or more machines, you can choose which one you would like to access. You will then enter your password. Youmay also opt to save the connection in case you would use it in the future. This is certainly different from Mocha VNC which is very time-consuming since your have to set up the servers manually.

By the time that you are connected to the machine, the Teleport will now display the same displays of the machine. And if Mocha VNC is only limited to 1680×1200 resolution, the Teleport can display everything in full resolution.

The Teleport can work with the iPhone as well as iPod Touch as long as the device has been upgraded to the latest iPhone 2.0 software. It can be downloaded at the App Store for $25.


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