New iFlyz Secures Mobile Electronics For Hands-Free Viewing During Airplane
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Thinking of a good holder for your iPhone in an air plane? The new iFlyz is a hands-free solution designed specifically for travelers. The iFlyz’s suction cup firmly grasps your iPhone and uses an adjustable clamp to attach to either an upright and
locked seat tray or one that is open during drink or dinner service and has a flexible gooseneck that allows the attached mobile device to be turned any angle or direction. iFlyz sells for $29.99 and is available at

Other than iPhone, the product claimed to be compatible with iPhones, iTouches, iPods, Blackberrys, SmartPhones, and PMPs of various brands. The iFlyz is 5.5 inches long and 2.5 inches wide, and weighs only two ounces.
The idea for iFlyz came as a way to make life easier for travelers trying to relax. “Being an early iPhone adopter and frequent flyer, I took note of all the other users on my weekly flights taking advantage of their time in the air to catch up on their favorite movies and TV shows,” said Alastair MacGregor, iFlyz International CEO. “It was immediately evident that I wasn’t
the only person loving the new technology but hating that I had to hold my device to be able to watch any video content.”
locked seat tray or one that is open during drink or dinner service and has a flexible gooseneck that allows the attached mobile device to be turned any angle or direction. iFlyz sells for $29.99 and is available at

Other than iPhone, the product claimed to be compatible with iPhones, iTouches, iPods, Blackberrys, SmartPhones, and PMPs of various brands. The iFlyz is 5.5 inches long and 2.5 inches wide, and weighs only two ounces.
The idea for iFlyz came as a way to make life easier for travelers trying to relax. “Being an early iPhone adopter and frequent flyer, I took note of all the other users on my weekly flights taking advantage of their time in the air to catch up on their favorite movies and TV shows,” said Alastair MacGregor, iFlyz International CEO. “It was immediately evident that I wasn’t
the only person loving the new technology but hating that I had to hold my device to be able to watch any video content.”
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