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Could Linux on the Android after on the Iphone ?

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Yes, Linux is running on the iPhone. Yes, it’s only the first early port, but it’s the iPhone running the Linux OS, controlled with a USB keyboard running off the iPhone multi-purpose port thanks to the reverser engineering of Apple’s hardware drivers by iPhone Dev Team members. And while it is still limited and doen’t have support for many things, this work opens the door to a much more interesting prospect: Could Google’s Android be next in line to be ported to the iPhone?
Linux on the Android

Just imagine it…Google taking the smartphone war directly into Apple territory. Sure, most people wouldn’t care about this, but if Google does this, and most probably not even Google directly, but someone else using Android’s codebase, it would make things very interesting. I’m not sure if it would even be popular in its current state (many aren’t huge fans of Android the way it is now), but it would make for some interesting actions on the part of Apple.

But the fact is that it’s getting there and, knowing this, I’m sure several Google employees are scrambling to get the codebase for this port, and maybe help in the effort, while keeping anonymous about it. I’m predicting it to happen in the next 6 months or so, and while the early waves might not be huge, it will prompt some kind of action from Apple.


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