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Notetaking moves to the clouds with the iPhone version of 3Banana

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If you’re looking for a simple way to take, store, and share notes in the cloud, 3Banana makes organizing your notes easy with notes based on in-text hashtags.

You can sign up for an account at 3Banana or use your existing Google credentials to jump right in and try it out. You can create basic notes simply by typing in the dialogue box, or enhance the note taking process by including HTML tags and images. 3Banana automatically recognizes pasted links and common formatting like phone numbers. You can categorize your notes by using hash tags like #tasks to tag your notes.

You can also easily share your notes by publishing them to your Facebook and Twitter account, or more traditionally by emailing or pasting the URL.

They have a special app version that works with the iPhone, and by reading comments on various blogs, this one has gotten a lot of positive responses. They also have a website:


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