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iPhone to get simulated Windows and copy/paste functionality soon

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Windows will run soon on the iPhone using Citrix Receiver, a remote screen software that connects to a PC and gives you the illusion you are running Microsoft’s operating systems, including copy and paste functionality. This is useful on many levels.

The software will give you the ability to run full Windows apps in your iPhone over the network. According to Citrix, you will have full Windows capability, including cut and paste inside Windows. And while this is not the first remote screen application available for the iPhone, it is the first one which is actually supported by a large company, which will make other big companies jump for joy.

This site: is taking feedback for the product, which is in early beta or so right now. If this app comes to fruition, it could change the way corporations view the iPhone, and possibly give it more traction in the business arena (typically Blackberry’s turf).


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